Abolition of COVID-19-related restrictive measures for traveling to the Czech Republic
Dear passenger,
We would like to inform you, as of March 18, 2022, all restrictions on entry into the Czech Republic in connection with COVID-19 and related quarantine measures upon arrival in the country are waived for citizens arriving from the Republic of Bulgaria or another EU Member State.
Citizens can get acquainted in detail with the current requirements for entry into the Czech Republic on the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
More information on the regime after arrival in the Czech Republic can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health, as also at Ministry of interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic, as well as the Situation Center at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Bulgaria.
All passengers must wear an FFP2 mask during their stay at Prague Airport.
Non-compliant passengers will not be allowed on board.
With respect,
The Bulgaria Air team