New requirements for entering Bulgaria from Greece
Dear passengers,
By decision of the Greek government until 06.00 on September 3, 2021, the following change in the regime of entry into Greece is introduced:
Citizens of all nationalities, without exception, arriving in the Hellenic Republic from the Republic of Bulgaria will be subjected to a mandatory PCR or rapid antigen test at the relevant border crossing, if they do not have a coronavirus vaccination certificate COVID-19, valid fourteen (14) days after completion of vaccination or a certificate of illness issued 30 days after and up to 180 days from the illness. The test at the respective border crossing point is free of charge.
In case of a positive test result, the respective persons will be placed under a 10-day quarantine.
Companions of persons diagnosed with Kovid have the opportunity to return to their country on the same or the next day, provided that they have 2 negative results from PCR or rapid antigen tests within 24 hours and wear all the time of return their mask type N 95.
For non-compliance with the quarantine, the fine is 5,000 euros.
One of the following documents or an EU digital Covid-19 certificate is required for:
- Completed vaccination at least 14 days before the trip;
- Negative result of rapid antigen test (up to 48 hours)
- Negative result from PCR test (up to 72 hours);
- Certificate of illness from Covid -19, (valid from 30 to 180 days after the first positive test).
The documents must be in English, issued by a public authority and in accordance with the law. See more here.
Before the flight, be sure to check the latest information on the official websites of local authorities:
- https://travel.gov.gr
- The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Athens and the Consulate in Thessaloniki
- The situation center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Please note that passengers who do not meet the requirements of the local authorities will not be allowed to fly.
With respect,
The Bulgaria Air team